Key Stage 1 Curriculum

The Key Stage 1 curriculum at Burnham Copse Primary School has six main topics, one for each half term. Our first topic is ‘My School’, which is a geographical study in which we learn to name and locate the UK in the world and their local area within the UK. ‘Sparks’ is the topic for Autumn 2 with a focus of a historical event beyond living memory ‘The Great Fire of London’. Our first topic in spring is ‘Weather and seasons’ when the children will learn about weather and seasons. Our second topic for spring is ‘Toys’ during which the children learn about the similarities and differences in toys within living memory. ‘Seasides’ is our topic for Summer 1; this topic focuses on similarities and differences of beaches around the world. Our final topic for the year is ‘Our Nation’. This topic covers significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements.

KS1 English Curriculum

Our English curriculum is text driven. Our reading and writing links closely to quality picture books shared with the children. The class teacher reads to the class daily, reading both contemporary and traditional stories. Through the year, the children will write a range of text types including captions, letters, information texts, posters, diaries, stories and persuasive texts. Daily phonics lessons follow the Letters and Sounds scheme to support early reading and writing. Our English curriculum is text driven. Each term there are core texts which are the stimulus for the reading and writing learning journeys. Throughout the year the children will write for a range of audiences and purposes and apply their developing skills. The class teacher reads to the class daily, reading both contemporary and traditional stories. Daily phonics lessons follow the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised programme.


KS1 Maths Curriculum

The primary focus of the key stage 1 curriculum is to develop confidence and mental fluency with whole numbers, counting and place value.  This will include working with numerals, words and the four operations (+,-, x and ÷). We aim for children to master the building blocks needed to develop a secure understanding of mathematical concepts through the use of concrete/physical resources and models/images. In Year 1 children learn to count in steps of 2s, 5s and 10s and in Year 2 they start to learn their times tables.

Learning times tables begins in Year 2 and in Year 1 children learn to count in steps of 2s, 5s and 10s. Our maths curriculum involves fluently recalling number facts as well as reasoning and problem solving.

For further details of our Key Stage 1 Curriculum see our curriculum documents below: